How can we fight against allergies?


How can we fight against allergies? The strongest connection between allergies and food is the milk products and those containing gluten – gluten and casein. They are hard to digest, can cause allergies, especially if they’re introduced early in the alimentation of childrens.

Elimination from alimentation the foods containing the above is the key and there are numerous reports of dramatic improvement in many cases, with the removal of gluten and casein from the alimentation. In most cases the practical results appear in time during the removal from blood the harmful polypeptides.

Dr. Robert Cade, professor of medicine and psychology at the University of Florida, noted that, as mentioned peptides in the blood decreases, gradually reduces allergy symptoms: “If they could be brought to normal, he says, most patients condition will improve substantially, returning to normalcy. For this, however, is necessary to strictly adhere to the regime, without gluten and casein! “[adsenseyu1]

We can’t make progress in this imbalance, only when we are willing (it’s just an invitation to the subtle level, in this respect!) to get to know our reactions after kinds of food in our diet, record diary that we note the different reactions and conditions, following ingestion of food. With little will, we’ll manage to detect which foods are causing allergies and with a dietitian, we better learn how and what can replace them.

Foods and substances that give the most frequent allergic reactions,to  a large number of children and adults, are:

– wheat and other gluten-containing cereals (oats, barley, rye);
– milk and other dairy products containing casein;
– citrus;
– chocolate;
– eggs;
– artificial food colors;
– pharmaceutical products;
– Solanaceae family vegetables (tomato, potato, eggplant).
Allergies are closely related to the permeability of the colon and hence, the toxicity of certain compounds that go in the blood.
–    It is best to have some attention on the cleaning of the colon, detoxification and blood thereof, may be considered the first steps towards removing unpleasant sensations and states.
–    After detox, the next step would be good to be the followed, to know exactly what products causes malaise and note exactly the induced reactions.
–    It is well to consider stopping their consumption and their replacement with other like them, as nutritional component.
–    Addition of glutathione and vitamin C are also closely related to various allergic conditions. It is well to consider high consumption of products containing these important nutrients for our health.


There are people who have tried and failed to get rid of these allergies state data through a 21-day diet, diet based only on fresh juices from fruits, vegetables, green juices. It is only for those determined, full of will, and the results are as you wanted!

And because I was asked what products contain casein and gluten, I come back with an article about these products next week. Until then, be healthy and everything go best for all of us!

A week full of joy, with health!

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