Are you trying to learn more about search engine optimization? Have you encountered a plethora of information, but you’re not sure what’s true and what isn’t? This article will detail some of the most common myths out there and teach you what the truth is and how it can help your SEO strategy.
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If you want to boost your ranking on Google, put an XML sitemap on your site. Yes, a site map allows spiders to easily and quickly discover all of the pages on your website. That is great and makes creating such a page totally worth it.
That said, it won’t boost your page rank just because the page is included in the site map, regardless of how important it may seem on the list. [adsenseyu1]
If you mark your page as XHTML Mobile, the mobile version of Google will rank it higher for mobile searches. Nope, Google uses the same results for both mobile and computer users. Creating a mobile site benefits your visitors, so do so, but don’t do it to better your SEO.
If a page on your site can only be found through searching your site, Google won’t index it. It is insane to have pages which aren’t linked to somewhere on your site, but Google now knows how to find them. That said, it isn’t easy, so be sure that every site is available, even if it is just on a site map.
What a great position on the search engine ranking page? You have to adhere to keyword density rules. Actually, Google wants you to provide unique, interesting content, and they don’t care how many times a keyword or phrase shows up on a page. Create good content, the rest will come later.
Google adores hyphenated domain names! No, it doesn’t, and neither do searchers. In fact, most people see a domain like and consider it to be spam. There is nothing wrong with hyphenating keywords in a file name, but don’t do it in your domain name.
All you have to do is create amazing content to get ranked highly on Google. Sadly, this just isn’t the case. You still have to put effort into building back links, promoting your site through social media and getting the word out to the masses in order to create a popular website. You can’t just build it and hope that “they” will come.
If your pages don’t end in .html, Google won’t rank them as highly. Wait, what? How does that make sense at all? Google ranks everything from .php to .asp without any bias, so don’t worry about that myth.
The Google spider can’t read CSS, so feel free to fill it with spam to boost your rank. Google knows all about hidden DIVs and invisible text, so you won’t get away with it for long. This is a great way to have your site entirely delisted, though.
There, now you know all about many myths you need to overcome. You can easily learn more about SEO now that you know what really applies to the field. That will leave you poised to boost your results position and better your site’s popularity.